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"Let's Keep It Professional"


The Film And Television Industry Is A Beautiful Place To Work. 
Yes, like any industry it has its pros and cons, but overall it's a very unique career. This industry definitely keeps you on your toes by being very creatively challenging and changing on a daily basis.

Anyone who has experienced the kind of magic that happens in the hair and makeup trailers can relate to this. It usually sounds something like my everyday life … ME: I need 1 hour to get them ready. CREW: 1hr?? Can you do it in 45 mins?… ME: I can try but I’m letting you […]

Behind the Scenes

Fast Changeovers: The Story Of My Life!

Hi, I'm Natalie, I'm so glad you're here. If you are an artist seeking to work on film & TV sets, I'm here to help you on your journey. Let me know how I can help!

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